
Launched in 2013, its parent company VIP has accommodated youthful bags under this brand. The bags offer world-class functional features in addition to their vibrant and unique design that adds an edge to travelers’ personalities. The material these bags are made using is 100 percent polycarbonate making them lightweight, sturdy, and durable.


What took birth in a garage in 1990, now serves the backpackers and the like in about 400 more cities in India. The hobby of a group of friends that started in a garage in Bengaluru now has 130 exclusive stores across the country. The founder Dinesh met with an accident after which this outdoor enthusiast came up with the idea of having a reliable bag and great quality outdoor gear.


A small leather manufacturing company started sourcing different retail brands in India in 2010. Slowly by starting its own bases in and around Kolkata, it started developing high-quality material with precision. All this came at a very reasonable price giving the company to produce what we now see, as the best products. It has been always behind producing premium leather and travel brand.


The founder, an engineer in Adobe systems, Apoorv, is a great innovator. He always used to look forward to his road trips that were accompanied by a lot of problems with the existing products. This experience clearly indicated one thing, that the products were created for the usage, and not for the user. This creates a lot of difference in terms of experience for the users, which led to the brand based on these experiences.


The engineers who manufacture bags from this brand share a common vision to design a range of products that equip their customers for adventure. These adventures are not necessarily the ones amidst the jungles, but they can even be the ones that involve school or office buses. The products they manufacture are known to be rugged, versatile, functional in addition to being aesthetically best.


Launched in 1997, it is a menswear fashion brand for contemporary clothing that has also entered the bag segment including backpacks. Over the years it has expanded its verticals to women’s fashion apparel and accessories. There are over 50 Provogue stores located across 40 cities in India.


The “design, invent, engineer, manufacture, and market innovative” style philosophy of F Gear has taken to one of the top positions in the market. In addition to these principles, they have been producing high-quality products that integrate style, functionality, and design technology that meets the changing lifestyle and needs of people in every part of the globe in their lives.

Flying Machine

As cool as the name, this brand is the number one brand to have stepped into manufacturing India’s first Denim. It is one of the coolest youth apparel brands in the country, always into innovation, and continues to experiment, and push boundaries. Belonging to Arvind Fashions, a legacy in itself, this brand strives to be a trendsetter and never follows or copies its competitors. They are into multiple segments including bags that were a recent addition to their legacy.


As mentioned in the previous section, the Titan brand, Fastrack is an Indian fashion accessory, which was launched in 1998 as a sub-brand of the old brand Titan Watches. It soon came out to become an independent brand in 2005 only to target the urban youth of the nation in the growing fashion industry in India. After it became independent, Fastrack started opening a series of stores in different places in the country. The first one was launched in 2009.


Started in 1975 by a visionary Isac Joseph Kottukappally, this brand is a very well-known brand name in the whole of south India and in a few states of North India. This brand is a respected brand even in the Middle East making it the second country for the brand to flourish. Headquartered in the heartland of Rubber, Thodupuzha, the company has its own manufacturing units at two centers in Kerala followed by Karnataka and Tamilnadu.


Lots of celebrities have started their brands with their experience. Similarly, this is one such brand that was started by the lead actor Hrithik Roshan, making it the first of its kind celebrity-owned brand in India. Hrithik started this brand along with co-founder Afsar Zaidi who is a part of Exceed Entertainment.

HRX focuses on

Lifestyle-related products
and draws heavily from Hrithik’s work ethic, his incredible story of overcoming various setbacks, and of course, his identity as one of the most stylish actors in Bollywood.


Offering a wide range of designs with different looks for different people, they come with the following features. Known for its placement of pockets, comfort, ease, strength, shield, and ergonomic features, the bags are of top class. In addition to all this, they are stylish both in terms of design and colors. They even offer bags that are anti-theft, making them tech-friendly travel gear.


Going with the name of the company, Chumbak, a Magnet, they have acted just as one attracting a range of customers with the idea of designing fun souvenirs and collectibles.

It started with the founder couple’s love for travel. They used to collect souvenirs while they traveled. Now they have their products spread across:

  • Home décor
  • Fashion
  • Accessories and personal care
  • With the clear intention of brightening up our living and working places.

These designs are inspired by different cultures and art forms around the world, blended with fun, colorful and modern aesthetics.


It is one of the world’s second-largest and Asia’s largest luggage manufacturers. We should be proud that this brand belongs to India. This company has more than 8000 retail outlets across the country. IT also has a network of retailers in 50 odd countries across the globe.

Out of a few companies that had acquired companies that are outside India, this is one among them. It has acquired a company based out of the United Kingdom.

Starting in 1971, it is not too old a company like the other giants. Right from its inception, it has seen record sales of 100 million pieces of luggage worldwide. Before it became VIP, it was called by the name Aristo Plast VIP Industries BD Manufacturing Private Ltd.


Starting with a business done in nearby places, she slowly made Baggit the industry leader. The first failure in her life was when she was studying for her diploma. When she started her business, Shoppers Stop was new to India, she tied up with them becoming a chain of shops keeping up with the quality. The failures and triumphs have made her journey from the Art of Failing to Do Business with Love.


What was once started as a hobby is now manufacturing handbags, briefcases, laptop bags, travel bags, wallet accessories, belts, jackets, shoes, footwear, and sunglasses…
These products are manufactured in five manufacturing facilities:

  • Sikkim
  • Baddi
  • Puducherry (2 facilities)
  • Chennai

Da Milano

The brand that was conceived by Sahil Malik’s father, began in 1989, with one store in Delhi. The same brand after about a few decades is now boasting of running sixty stores. To achieve this Mr. Malik actually did not take the whole time. In fact, he joined the business in 2000, after completing his fashion design at NIFT.

His plan of starting a chain of stores when the whole country was moving towards an organized retaining was where it all began. The shift was a very evident one from patterns and colors to overall aesthetics, which the western designs were all about. This design along with strategical marketing brought the brand altogether to a different level.

Chhota Bheem

The company is the popular cartoon show of Chhota Bheem and has always been innovative in terms of accommodating new aspects. One such decision was to use the brand Chhota Bheem in merchandising the character. This led to the creation of a separate website where all the merchandises are for sale. They only have school bags in this segment and the designs are made attractive for children who are the real fans of this show.

Campus Sutra

The outcome of a Goa trip by the four co-founders ended up quitting their jobs. The total salary of the four put together was more than one crore. Despite that, two of them initially quit and started Campus Sutra. They worked based on the feedback of their customers and upgraded the designs by using the trends like Amul. They currently ship more than 3000 units a day.

Their presence in different segments proved their consistency by adding them here.


At the time of its incorporation on December 3, 1981, it was S.N. Footwear Industries Pvt. Ltd. Until 1993, they were involved in just the whole-selling and distribution of the branded footwear that was already available. Thereafter, they themselves became involved in retailing and emerged as a popular fashion footwear brand. In addition to that, they were also one of the leading organized footwear in the whole of India. As of 2017,, it has grown leaps and bounds to about 829 branded exclusive stores.


Starting by the name Pal Boot House, the three founders of Liberty Shoes were Dharam Pal Gupta, Purshotam Das Gupta, and Rajkumar Bansal 1954. The first appearance of Liberty Shoes was after the association with Balbir Singh & Son in 1983.

It gained its Public Limited on the 3rd of September in 1986 by the certificate of commencement of Business on 11th March 1988. This certificate was given to:

  • Setup Manufacturing Unit
  • Sell Leather and non-Leather Shoe
  • Leather Shoe Uppers
  • Leather Garments

With all this base, the company has engaged itself in the manufacturing of leather and nonleather goods.

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