पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वं
न चाऽपि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम्।
सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरत् भजन्ते
मूढ्ः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः ॥
Puraanam ityeva na saadhu sarvam
Na ch-api kavyam navam-itya-vidyam |
Santah pareekshya-anyatarad bhajante
Moodah para-pratyayaneya buddhih ||
Literal Meaning
All texts are not good only because of the fact that they are old. All poems are not bad just because they are new. Wise people examine both and decide whether a poem is good or bad. Only a fool will be blindly led by what others say.