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Swami Pranavananda: Awakening Hindu Strength and Pride

Swami Pranavananda played a pivotal role in awakening the Hindu society by instilling much-needed strength and self-confidence. A staunch advocate of Hindu nationalism and the founder of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha, he organized the Hindu community in Bengal, igniting a renewed spirit of struggle and resilience.

The Golden Era of Bengal in the 19th Century

The 19th century was a golden era for Bengal, witnessing the rise of great personalities like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Rabindranath Tagore, Bipin Chandra Pal, and Maharshi Aurobindo. These luminaries worked tirelessly to awaken Hindu national consciousness. In this illustrious lineage, Swami Pranavananda made his unique mark by galvanizing the Hindu identity in Bengal, which eventually spread across India, contributing significantly to the nation’s independence movement.

Early Life and Spiritual Inclinations

Born in 1896 in Bajitpur, near Faridpur (now in Bangladesh), Vinod (later Swami Pranavananda) exhibited a strong spiritual inclination from a young age. He was deeply drawn to the company of saints and spiritual leaders, spending as much time with them as possible. Despite being raised in a non-vegetarian household, he maintained a strict vegetarian diet, dedicating himself to meditation and rigorous physical exercise. At the age of 17, he found his spiritual home in the Gorakhpur Nath traditional monastery.

In 1928, Vinod received his monastic initiation from Swami Govindanandagiri, taking on the name Swami Pranavananda. This marked the beginning of a new path of achievement, focusing on awakening national pride and recognizing the divine in the country.

Founding the Bharat Sevashram Sangha

In 1917, Swami Pranavananda founded the Bharat Sevashram Sangha, giving a structured platform to his ideas and efforts. During the severe famine in Bengal in the 1920s, his social commitment and ability to mobilize a dedicated team of young volunteers became evident. He tirelessly worked to address societal issues, such as the entrenched practice of untouchability, which weakened Hindu society and contributed to its subjugation.

Swami Pranavananda also endeavored to restore confidence among Hindus, who were demoralized by frequent Muslim riots. He successfully experimented with forming self-defense groups in villages, reflecting his comprehensive vision. He believed that a strong society could only be built by strong individuals, emphasizing physical strength and national pride.

A Legacy of Service and National Awakening

Swami Pranavananda’s invaluable work in awakening patriotism, building self-defense capabilities, and fostering social harmony left a lasting impact on Bengal’s rural communities. He also advocated for the reconversion of those who had converted to other religions. His brief life of 45 years was dedicated to rekindling the spirit of nationalism in Hindu society.

Today, the Bharat Sevashram Sangha, with over a hundred ashrams, continues to serve the nation through various educational and service-oriented activities, embodying Swami Pranavananda’s vision and thoughts.

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